
Trains of Winnipeg . Contact Information




Contacting the Artists



Film & Video Exhibitors Distribution Contacts

For bookings outside of Europe: (the feature-length cycle OR the individual shorts in 35mm or DVD), please call the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre, tel. (416) 588-0725, or:

.  CFMDC Festival bookings and information: bookings@cfmdc.org.
.  CFMDC Broadcast and educational sales and information: sales@cfmdc.org.
.  CFMDC Museums and galleries bookings and information: outreach@cfmdc.org.

For distribution in Europe: (the whole feature-length only, in 35mm + PAL Betacam) contact the Experimentalfilm Workshop (part of the European Media Art Festival in Osnabrück): info@emaf.de, tel. ++49(0)541-21658.


Bookstores | Book Ordering Contact

DC Books
Box 662
950 Decarie
Ville St. Laurent
Quebec, Canada
H4L 4V9
tel. (514) 843-8130
SAN 115-8988
fax (514) 939-0569
email dcbooks@videotron.ca


CD & Film Soundtracks

Collected here for FREE.



