
Trains of Winnipeg  |  Links + Info.




Clive's Collaborators

Contributors to TRAINS OF WINNIPEG - 14 FILM POEMS included: drummer/composer Jason Tait, cellist/artist Emily Goodden, audio artist/Send + Receive – a Festival of Sound founder Steve Bates, and singer/songwriter Christine Fellows; the film 'Burning Down the Suburbs' features sculptures by the Toronto artist Shary Boyle; other crucial assistance has come from experimental film-maker Sol Nagler, as well as film-maker and writer Caelum Vatnsdal.

Jon Paul Fiorentino was editor of TRAINS OF WINNIPEG, the book.

TRAINS OF WINNIPEG, the audio CD, was made in equal collaboration with John K. Samson, Jason, and Christine.

The idea for the whole project was put into motion by a conversation with John at some point in the late twentieth century.


Trains of Winnipeg Project Links + Related Info.

Please send suggestions for more 'Trains of Winnipeg' links: especially train art sites, sites about the politics of trains, good buff sites, or pictures of the beautiful, rotting industrial landscape

. Clive Holden's FURY

. Cyclops Review 02  Jon Paul Fiorentino + Clive Holden, editors

. Holden bio

. Al Purdy Transience, mp3 audio, riding the rails in the thirties

. Cow Portraits by Les the project's film + poem Bus North to Thompson with Les at the Wheel features Winnipeg's Les Brandt, who recently received his Millionth Safe Mile Award, which is more than 126 times around the Earth – Les is also a fine painter and these are 3 of his paintings

. Recovery by Antonia Hirsch

click for larger image
. 16mm frame from Bruce Baillie's Castro Street (a significant influence on the film cycle's title work, Trains of Winnipeg) – read more info. here, here, and here, or help support his fund raising effort (scroll down) to commit his lifetime's work to DVD

. Film still from Edwin S. Porter's The Great Train Robbery (1903)

. Jon Voight in The Runaway Train

. Stan Brakhage 16mm stills, + synopses courtesy of Fred Camper (scroll down)

click for larger image
. William Turner, Rain, Steam and Speed

. Claude Monet, La Gare St. Lazare

. Vincent Van Gogh, Wagons de chemin de fer

. The Rotting Train by John Jacobsen

. visualorgasm.com train graffiti site

. Trains + Unions, Ever Wonder Why?: Doug Smith tells it like it is in this study of the history of rail worker safety.

. This is the Time To Be Derailed poetry from Jane Francis

. Emily Dickinson's The Railway Train

click for larger image
. Louis Lumiere's Entrée du train en gare de La Ciotat (first cinema screening in 1895)

. Neil Young's Southern Pacific

. Transcona lay offs

. Woodie Guthrie's The Farmer-Labor Train as in tune as ever he was: workers of the first & third world unite!

. Via Rail

. Via for the robber baron in you: unfortunately, in recent years they've segregated The Canadian (the train across Canada) into classes, i.e. coach passengers can no longer stroll the length of the train. Things aren't the same, as part of the trip's traditional charm had been local passengers who were going shorter distances chatting with dressed-down millionaires in the rear bar car. However, if you do have the funds, you can still hitch up your private car.

. Train art

. Train pictures

. Steam train art gallery – Max Jacquiard

. Raymond Carver, master story teller


