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Contemporary Poetry and Prose

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Chief Editor: Jon Paul Fiorentino

Editors: Geoff Lansdell, Sarah Steinberg

Featuring: Robert Allen, Oana Avasilichioaei, Stephanie Bolster, Rob Budde, Melanie Cameron, Jason Camlot, Corey Frost, Kate Hall, Adrienne Ho, Catherine Hunter, Jack Illingworth, Geoff Lansdell, Monique MacCleod, Daphne Marlatt, Chandra Mayor, David McGimpsey, Rob McLennan, Daniel David Moses, Hal Niedzviecki, John K. Samson, Kilby Smith-McGregor, Steve Smith, Carmine Starnino, Sarah Steinberg, Michelle Sterling, Kate Sterns, Julia Tausch, and Melissa A. Thompson.